(417) 714-0020 [email protected]

data migration

your data where you need it

If you have the data we have the skills needed to move it where you need it.  With our experience in migrating dozens of different homecare systems, we can migrate your data to and from just about anywhere, in any format, using any technology.

Utilizing custom tools we can create a migration plan that will allow you to migrate the maximum amount of data, with the minimum amount of manual entry.  We can take data from any source – ope database formats like SQL, text files, spreadsheets, imaged documents or just about anything else – and convert it to a format that can be migrated into your existing system.

With decades of experience, across multiple Homecare and Hospice systems, our consultants will create the best solution for your migration needs.

Migrated Systems

Below are examples of successfully migrated systems:

  • AllScripts
  • Change (McKesson) Homecare Advisor
  • Complia Health/Procura/Continulink
  • Cerner Health
  • Delta Health
  • Epic Epicare
  • HHAeXchange
  • Homecare Accounting Solutions (HAS)
  • Homecare Homebase
  • Kinnser Software
  • NetSmart/HealthMEDX
  • Meditech (PtCT)
  • MEDsys

“Healthcare data migraiton challenges organizations that don’t fully understand the data they are moving and how it will be accepted by the target system.”
